01 Feb 2016, 00:35

About Me


Welcome all to my little corner of the Internet. Since this is sort of my first official post let me give you the low down on who I am. I am a father and software developer, in that order. My day job for the time being is both web development and automation. My true passion in my software is Game Development. Now that we have the intro out of the way lets dive in to what I do where.

Web Development

My training and bulk of my experience has been in the world of Desktop Application(as in compiles a binary) and Systems Development. In the last few years I have branched out in to Web Development. It has been fun and presents a whole new set of challenges.


So you might have read that text above and wondered what I meant by automation. It is some what a vague term so allow me to explain. What I mean by automation is using software to automate other software or business processes. The bulk of my work has been in the application testing space. This is using sets of tools and custom code to test web sites or desktop applications.

Game Development

O the mighty and awesome challenge of building virtual experiences. I have a love for creating entire worlds with in small digital devices. It is the reason I started my track in to software development. My specialty is Game Architecture, but I love most jobs in this field. Just don’t ask this poor coder to hand you art, your game characters will turn in to small squares.

So that sums up my professional life. For the most part that is all this little blog will cover. There might be a few cameo posts about my thoughts and feelings but this will not include family and friends. Check back often.